Anouk Donners

75 Comparing FVIII concentration and activity exogenous FVIII products was independent of anti-FVIII antibodies and vice versa (both p < 0.01). Table 2. Linear regression analysis on the correlation between the determinant and relative differences. Univariable linear regression analysis B% (95% CI) p-value Age -0.3 (-0.9; 0.3) 0.372 Weight -0.2 (-0.7; 0.3) 0.498 Anti-FVIII antibodies (≥0.6 BU/mL) 132.6 (80.7; 184.5) <0.001 Exogenous FVIII products (exposed)a -36.7 (-64.8; -8.5) 0.011 Full-length FVIII products a - pdFVIII - rFVIII -29.3 (-60.0; 1.3) 0.060 pdFVIII, Aafact® a -64.1 (-113.8; -14.5) 0.013 Full-length rFVIII a - octocog alfa, Advate® - octocog alfa, Helixate®/Kogenate® -21.2 (-53.4; 11.1) 0.194 B-domain modified rFVIII products a - turoctocog alfa, NovoEight® - efmoroctocog alfa, Elocta® -57.5 (-88.7; -26.4) <0.001 Efmoroctocog alfa, Elocta® a -76.7 (-136.1; -17.3) 0.013 Turoctocog alfa, NovoEight® a -53.2 (-86.2; -20.2) 0.002 Co-medication Desmopressin 9.3 (-45.1; 63.7) 0.735 Tranexamic acid -8.9 (-52.1; 34.3) 0.683 Heparin 24.9 (-10.3; 60.1) 0.163 Comorbidities Any heart disease 24.9 (-29.2; 79.1) 0.363 Hepatitis B or C -8.9 (-42.2; 24.4) 0.597 areference group is ‘unexposed to exogenous FVIII products (n = 29)’. Abbreviations: B: the influence of determinant (slope in linear regression); 95%-CI: 95%-confidence interval; FVIII: factor VIII; pd/rFVIII: plasma-derived/recombinant factor VIII. 4