Sarah Verhoeff

Molecular PET imaging to steer treatment for cancer patients Provided by thesis specialist Ridderprint, Printing Ridderprint | Layout and design Indah Hijmans, Cover design Otura Design | Rianne Koens ISBN 978-94-6483-041-5 The work presented in this thesis was carried out within the departments of Medical Oncology and Medical Imaging (section: Nuclear Medicine), Radboud University Medical Center and the Radboud Institute for Health Sciences, Nijmegen, The Netherlands. The clinical studies were financially supported by: ❖ Radboud Institute for Health Sciences, NWO (91617039, KWF (10099). ❖ The Dutch Cancer Society (KWF): Alpe d’HuZes Grant RUG 2012-5400 ❖ AstraZeneca ❖ Merck KGaA ❖ Paul Speth fonds Copyright © Sarah Relinde Verhoeff, Nijmegen 2023 All rights are reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, distributed, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without prior written permission of the author.