Sarah Verhoeff

88 Chapter 5 Figure 1. Waterfall plot. Each bar depicts the best response according to RECIST version 1.1 of a single patient during durvalumab treatment. Blue bars represent patients with metastatic disease; Pink bars patients with locoregional recurrent disease. Dotted lines reflect RECIST criteria for disease progression (+20% change) and partial response (-30%). Table 1. Baseline characteristics Parameters Patients (n=33) Age in years, median (range) 64.5 49-80 Sex, n(%) Male 26 (79%) ECOG PS, n(%) 1 23 (70%) Smoking, n(%) Never or former 29 (88%) Alcohol, n(%) Never or former 9 (27%) Primary tumor location, n(%) Hypopharynx Larynx Oral cavity Oropharynx Unknown 4 7 10 8 3 (13%) (22%) (30%) (24%) (10%) Disease extent at baseline, n(%) Loco/regional recurrence Metastatic disease 12 21 (36%) (64%)