Sarah Verhoeff

89 [89Zr]Zr-DFO-durvalumab PET/CT before durvalumab treatment in R/M SCCHN patients Table 1. Baseline characteristics (continued) Parameters Patients (n=33) Location metastases Lung Lymph node Bone Other (Liver, adrenal gland, muscle) 28 24 5 4 (45%) (39%) (8%) (8%) Prior treatments with curative intent*, n(%) Surgery alone Surgery with adjuvant radiation Surgery with adjuvant chemoradiation Radiation alone Chemoradiation 3 8 9 5 8 (9%) (24%) (27%) (15%) (24%) Time from last platinum therapy, n(%) > 6 months 16 (94%) Histological/cytological biopsy** Fresh 10 (30%) PD-L1 status***, n(%) PD-L1 CPS <1 PD-L1 CPS 1-20 PD-L1 CPS ≥20 No assessment possible 13 8 6 6 (40%) (24%) (18%) (18%) ECOG PS, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status; PD-L1, programmed death ligand 1; CPS, combined positive score. Data are median (range), or n (%) *Chemotherapy regimen included monotherapy cisplatin or carboplatin, or combination regimens e.g., docetaxel, cisplatin and 5-fluorouracil or carboplatin and 5-fluorouracil ** A fresh biopsy was defined as histological or cytological tumor biopsy performed at study enrolment up to <1 months before study enrolment ***PD-L1 assessment was performed on biopsy tissue from recurrent or metastatic disease. PD-L1 staining was performed using the Ventana SP263. 5