Mohamed El Sayed

48 Chapter 2 Supplemental table 1: Definitions of cardiac events (continued) Events Definition 11. Sinusarrest An alteration in discharge by the sinusnode pacemaker, resulting in no P- waves and associated QRS-T during sinus pause. This pause is sometimes followed by junctional rhythm or idioventricular rhythm. Absence of escape rhythm results in asystole 12. Implantable cardiac defibrillator implantation* First ICD or Cardiac resynchronization therapy device (CRT-D) implantation, indication of primary or secondary prevention was registered 13. Pacemaker implantation* First pacemaker implantation, indication for implantation was registered Other events or interventions 14. Atrial fibrillation Irregular heart rhythm without identifiable p-waves recorded on ECG 15. Coronary artery disease* At least 50% stenosis of luminal diameter of left main coronary artery or at least 70% stenosis of luminal diameter of at least one of the major epicardial coronary arteries on coronary angiogram. Patients were also classified as having coronary atherosclerosis if there was a clear indication of myocardial ischemia on non-invasive imaging (i.e. stress CMR, SPECT) 16. Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) Non-surgical intervention in which coronary stenosis is resolved with coronary angioplasty with or without the placement of a coronary stent 17. Coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery Open heart surgery where a bypass is placed around one or more (stenotic) coronary arteries 18. Systolic dysfunction on MRI or echocardiography Left ventricular ejection fraction <50% on MRI. If no MRI is available: left ventricular ejection fraction <55% on echocardiography 19. Left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT) obstruction Dynamic gradient of ≥30 mmHg on echocardiogram in the left ventricular outflow tract measured at rest, during Valsalva procedure or during exercise 20. Moderate or severe valve disease First ultrasound report mentioning moderate to severe stenosis of insufficiency of the mitral, tricuspid or aortic valve. Or heart valve dysfunction that required surgery where no previous ultrasound reports were available