224 APPENDICES Teaching Lecturing Year Workload (ECTS) MA Medical Informatics “eHealth”, oral presentation as an example of eHealth research 2016-2018 0.8 BA/MA Medical Informatics “Academic skills”, working group 2017-2019 0.3 MA Medical Informatics “Biomedical research and evaluation methodology”, working group 2018 0.3 Supervising Year Workload (ECTS) 8-month master Medical Informatics internship – Femke van Sinderen: “Teledermatoscopy: evidence on its accuracy and reliability in skin cancer detection and quality indicators” 2016-2017 2.0 8-month master Medical Informatics internship – Sicco Chanier: “Teledermoscopy consultations: Data analysis and pre-literature review focused on early skin cancer detection and prevention” 2017-2018 2.0 1-month master Medical Informatics internship – Johan van Buggenum: “Questionnaire availability for job and service satisfaction among employees of the telehealth service sector” 2018 0.5 2-month master Medical Informatics internship – Youri Broekhuizen: “Prevalidation and adaption of an employee satisfaction questionnaire for measuring telehealth usability” 2019 1.0 8-month master Medical Informatics internship – Johan van Buggenum: “Validation of health information questionnaires: breaching the barriers. Evaluation of the CQI psychometric protocols as a standard for psychometric analysis” 2019 2.0 5-month bachelor Medische Informatiekunde internship – Neha Gupta: “Towards shared health quality indicators for better decision-making in e-health organizations” 2021 1.5 2-month master Medical Informatics internship – Bibiche Groenhuijzen: “Providing a full overview on general practitioners and dermatologists responses on SAF TSUQ questionnaire, views and satisfaction on the use Ksyos teledermatology, and the teledermoscopy use during the corona pandemic” 2022 1.0 Other Year Workload (ECTS) Mentor Graduate School Buddy Project 2017-2018 0.1