Esmée Tensen

88 CHAPTER 5 questions were answered by the GP. According to the TD diagnosis, this consisted of 592 (9.3%) skin lesions in the malignant diagnosis group, 561 (8.8%) in the premalignant diagnosis group, and 5211 (81.9%) in the benign diagnosis group. Overall, benign skin lesions were the most frequently reported diagnosis by the TDs. Figure 5.1: Flowchart of teledermoscopy (TDsc) consultations requested by general practitioners (GPs) between July 2015 and June 2020 as included in our study. ICD-10: International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision; TD: teledermatologist. Among the group of malignant diagnoses, the most common were basal and squamous cell carcinoma (n=415, 70.1%) followed by malignant melanoma (n=172, 29.1%). The most commonly provided diagnosis in the premalignant diagnosis group was actinic keratosis (ICD-10 code L57.0; n=434, 77.4%). Among the group of benign diagnoses, the most common was melanocytic nevus (ICD-10 code D22; n=2571, 49.3%), followed by seborrheic keratosis (n=1221, 23.4%).