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Chapter 4 110 Supplementary Figure S3 - Distinguish singlets from multiplets by calculating spot count based on different MCs: Intensity MC (A) or Peak MC (B and C). (C) used a higher spot-tobackground ratio than (B). At the top of (A ~ C), typical images of Ch02-positive doublets and corresponding MC (blue area) were shown. Object numbers were presented at the top left corner of each image. Black arrows denoted in which gate these events were included. Each gate’s name gave the counts and percentage of gated events (Counts; %Gated). Abbreviations: MC, masks combined. Supplementary Figure S4 - The fluorescent properties of autofluorescent particles in the unprocessed and unlabeled urine with or without compensation applied. The compensation matrix is the same as in Figures 3G & 3H in the results.