Wouter Woud

PhD Portfolio 202 PHD PORTFOLIO Name Wouter W. Woud Erasmus MC Department Internal Medicine, Erasmus MC Transplant Institute Research School Postgraduate School of Molecular Medicine (MolMed) PhD period January 2018 – June 2023 Promotor Prof. dr. C.C. Baan Co-promotors Dr. ir. K. Boer Dr. M.J. Hoogduijn General courses Year ECTS Basic Course on R 2018 1.8 Workshop on Photoshop and Illustrator CS6 for PhDstudents and other researchers 2018 0.3 Advanced Immunology Course 2019 4.5 Erasmus MC - Scientific Integrity 2022 0.3 National and international conferences Year ECTS Joint NTV-BTS Transplantation Conference, Rotterdam, The Netherlands 2018 1 Young Professionals Networkday, Utrecht, The Netherlands 2018 1 Exosomes & Liquid Biopsies Europe, Rotterdam, The Netherlands 2018 1 HLA Educationday, Leiden, The Netherlands 2018 1 Clinical Review Symposium, Utrecht, The Netherlands 2018 1 Science Days Internal Medicine, Sint-Michielsgestel, The Netherlands 2019 1 ESOT2019 *, Copenhagen, Denmark 2019 1.2 NLSEV2019 *, Utrecht, The Netherlands 2019 1 Science Days Internal Medicine *, Sint-Michielsgestel, The Netherlands 2020 1 Best Poster Prize Boot Conference *, Roermond, The Netherlands 2020 1 Virtual Conference TTS, Online 2020 1.2 Virtual Conference NLSEV **, Online 2020 2 Virtual Mini Symposium PROPER **, Online 2020 2 Boot Conference, Online 2021 1 Virtual Conference ISEV *, Online 2021 2