Wouter Woud

PhD Portfolio 203 9 General courses Year ECTS American Transplant Conference, Online 2021 1 ESOT ** (2x), Milano, Italy 2021 3 NLSEV * / **, Amsterdam. The Netherlands 2021 2 Best Poster Prize ITS * / **, Berlin, Germany 2022 3 3rd Poster Prize ISEV ** (2x), Lyon, France 2022 3 Bootcongres * / **, Leiden, The Netherlands 2022 1.6 TTS ** (2x), Buenos Aires, Agentina 2022 1 CYTO **, Philadelphia, USA 2022 1 Science days Internal Medicine **, Sint-Michielsgestel, The Netherlands 2022 NLSEV *, Maastricht, The Netherlands 2022 1.6 METVES II Workshop, Delft, The Netherlands 2022 0.3 6e Regionale nascholing - Nefrologische Zorg op Maat, Rotterdam, The Netherlands 2022 1 Additional activities Year ECTS Supervision 4th year VMBO student 2019 0.3 Training ImageStreamX 2020 0.6 Certified Peer Reviewer Course 2021 0.3 Supervising HLO Internship student 2021 25 Erasmus MC EV Meetings 2018 - 22 1.5 Transplantation Journal Club 2018 - 22 1.5 Total 73 * Poster Presentation, ** Oral Presentation