Wouter Woud

Acknowledgements 205 9 Dear Dr. Martin J. Hoogduijn, although your expertise lies in the field of mesenchymal stromal cells you managed to stay on top of my project. Thank you for showing me to the world of normothermic machine perfusion (NMP), for introducing me to the Greek gods POSEIDON and APOLLO, and for connecting me to the PROPER-consortium. I found these studies fascinating, and I hope that the research into EVs and NMP will be continued. Also, a big thank you for your endless patience, your constructive feedback, and your good sense of humor – together with Karin you were the best daily supervisor I could have wished for. Dear Dr. Ana M. Merino, you taught me everything I needed to know about EVs, about flow cytometry, and the notorious difficulties of combining the two. I am so grateful that I got to pick your brain during the first two years of my PhD; your no-nonsense attitude was enlightening. It was a loss for the Transplantation Laboratory when you left us for Thermo Fisher, but I am sure we will run into each other again. Until then! Dear Dr. Edwin van der Pol, although you were not my supervisor in any form, I still would like to thank you for all I have learned from you, and all you have done. We met at the NLSEV conference in Amsterdam in 2021 where you offered to help me calibrate the side scatter signals of our IFCM – which turned out to be the missing piece in our assay. You introduced me to Mie theory for spherical sub-micron particles, and awakened in me a curiosity for the technicalities of flow cytometry. I hope we will continue our calibration work, and I am excited for what the future may hold. Dear Dr. Haley R. Pugsley, you were my go-to person for anything related to the analysis of IFCM data. Your knowledge of IFCM design, masking, features, and displaying options in the IDEAS software have helped me understand and make sense of the data I acquired. I hope we stay in contact, I am sure I will have more questions in the future ☺. To Manou van Alphen: thank you for being the best internship student I could have wished for! Your time with us at the lab has been one of the best periods in my PhD trajectory; I thoroughly enjoyed your humor, can-do attitude, analytical insights, eye for detail, patience (a golden-quality in research), your willingness to learn (either lab skills or coding skills), and your “zachte ch” (some things are what they are).