Wouter Woud

Acknowledgements 207 9 To Mama and Cees, Maus and Harmen, and Storm: thank you for being there for me all along this road, for taking care of me whenever I visited you ‘up North’, for laughing at me when I accidently speak ‘Rotterdams’ (wet ‘t’s are a thing now), and for binge watching anime-series with me (looking at you Stormeru). I know you are just as proud as I am on this book, even if you judge it by its cover. “There is no parking space for my flying carpet!” – The Otter princess A special thanks goes to Dara, mijn maatje, travel buddy, dog-admirer, partner in crime, and avocado-addict. We had been living together for 2 months when the pandemic struck (forcing us in a lockdown), and I’d say we passed that new relationship-test (“bivakkeren op een postzegel”) with honors. Your laugh is what makes me wake up in the morning (in combination with a fresh cup of coffee), and your drive to build a better future is contagious. I am curious to see where life will take us, but for now we will start by creating our own place – with enough space for that flying carpet of yours. Дара, обичам те!