Lisanne Kleygrewe

About the Author C 143 PUBLICATIONS IN PEER-REVIEWED JOURNALS Kleygrewe, L., Oudejans, R. R. D., Koedijk, M., & Hutter, R. I. (2022). Police Training in Practice: Organization and Delivery According to European Law Enforcement Agencies. Frontiers in Psychology, 6515. Kleygrewe, L., Hutter, R. I., Koedijk, M., & Oudejans, R. R. D. (2023). Virtual Reality Training for Police Officers: A Comparison of Training Responses in VR and Real-life Training. Police Practice and Research. Kleygrewe, L., Hutter, R. I., Koedijk, M., & Oudejans, R. R. D. (2023). No Pain, No Gain? The Effects of Adding a Pain Stimulus in Virtual Training For Police Officers. Ergonomics. Kleygrewe, L., Hutter, R. I., Koedijk, M., & Oudejans, R. R. D. (2023). Enhancing Learning Efficacy with the After-Action Review in Virtual Reality Training for Police. Ergonomics. Koedijk, M., Hutter, R. I. (Vana), Renden, P. G., Kleygrewe, L., & Oudejans, R. R. D. (2023). Fitness testing at police academies: Optimal fitness for duty. International Journal of Police Science & Management. Zechner, O., Kleygrewe, L., Jaspaert, E., Schrom-Feiertag, H., Hutter, R.I.(V.) & Tscheligi, M. (2023). Enhancing operational police training in high stress situations with Virtual Reality: experiences, tools and guidelines. Multimodal Technologies and Interaction. 2023; 7(2):14. Koedijk, M., Renden, P. G., Oudejans, R. R., Kleygrewe, L., & Hutter, R. V. (2021). Observational behavior assessment for psychological competencies in police officers: A proposed methodology for instrument development. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 589258. Frenkel, M. O., Giessing, L., Egger-Lampl, S., Hutter, V., Oudejans, R. R., Kleygrewe, L., Jaspaert, E., & Plessner, H. (2021). The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on European police officers: Stress, demands, and coping resources. Journal of Criminal Justice, 72, 101756. BOOK CHAPTERS Hutter, R.I.(V.), Renden, P.G., Kok, M., Oudejans, R.R.D., Koedijk, M. & Kleygrewe, L. (in press). Criteria for high quality training of police officers. In M.S. Staller, S. Koerner, & B. Zaiser (Eds.), Police Conflict Management, Volume II: Training and Education. Palgrave Macmillan.