Lisanne Kleygrewe

Acknowledgements / Danksagung 146 Stepping back from virtual reality into real life again and it is still difficult to grasp all that has happened in the past three and a half years of my PhD. I am beyond happy and proud to have arrived at this point, with this printed (and digital) version of my thesis in front of me — but without a doubt, this would not have been possible (and as enjoyable as it was) without a supportive, fun, and encouraging team around me. First and foremost, I would like to thank my incredible promotion team, dr. Vana Hutter and dr. Raôul Oudejans. It is safe to say that your guidance, your expertise, and your inspiration paved the way for the work that is presented in this thesis. At times, I truly questioned your tremendous trust in me; in the end, you helped me realize that I am capable of far more than I had imagined. Y’all have been the promotion team any PhD student can only dream of. I feel privileged to work alongside you. Vana, I am beginning to think that our collaboration was anything but pure coincidence. From the moment I started working with you, your enthusiasm and passion for what you do inevitably captured me and transferred over. Throughout the years, we have shared endless laughs, jokes, tears, and GIFs. I would indeed like to list all the moments we have shared that have gotten me to where I am now — professionally as well as personally — but that would get me to write another dissertation and is thus a feat for another day. For now, I would simply like to thank you for your openness and understanding, for your guidance and support, and for your immensely well-timed sense of humor. Raôul, from the start you had a tremendous part in providing direction and support wherever necessary. You are always good for a laugh and have given so much lightness and ease to the entire process of my PhD. I am also very thankful that you encouraged the more serious side of things by bringing me down to earth when my enthusiasm had once again gotten the best of me. Not only has your expertise and feedback improved my work hundredfold, I have also grown very fond of (and have been enormously entertained by) your comments on my drafts. Thank you for your trust in me. Thank you for your encouragement. Thank you for having chosen to be my promoter. Matthijs, secretly I count you as part of my official promotion team. From the moment I entered into the realm of police research, you have been by my side. Initially as my daily supervisor for my master’s research project, then as my PhD colleague. I have the utmost respect for you and your attitude towards research. Not only did you share your knowledge with me, but you also showed me the ropes and joy of conducting applied research…even when it had to be at 7 am on cold, rainy January mornings in parking lots in the middle of nowhere. You made everything — the long days, endless meetings, hours of writing, sweaty heart rate belts — fun and amusing. Even struggling with data losses due to technical difficulties was bearable when sharing our frustrations together. You have become an integral part of my PhD work and I am grateful to get to learn from you continuously.