Lisanne Kleygrewe

Acknowledgements / Danksagung D 147 Thank you to the reading committee, David Mann, Annika Smit, Tilo Hartmann, Mario Staller, Laura Voigt. Your work has inspired me. I am grateful that my work was evaluated by your expertise. Big part of my work was done in collaboration with partners of the SHOTPROS project. Within this large European consortium, I had the pleasure of getting to collaborate with police experts, researchers, and technology partners from six different European countries. In particular, I would like to thank Markus Murtinger for guiding the project from start to finish with your indispensable enthusiasm. I would also like to thank our police partners, specifically Gerard Willemsen and Hans Pieren (Dutch National Police), Alexander Schäfer and Ortwin Maetzing (Police NordrheinWestfalen), Manfred Strzeletz, Ivo Engelmann, and Timo Hartmann (Police Berlin), Magda Johansson (Swedish Police Authority), and Gabriel Iancu (Romanian Ministry of Internal Affairs). Welcoming me at your training locations and sharing your expertise with me has been invaluable in my process of understanding and learning about applied police work. I would also like to thank Chris Haarmeijer from RE-liON for supporting my work and exposing me to the intricacies of VR technology (which is an ongoing journey to say the least). Zudem möchte ich mich bei der Stadtpolizei Zürich und bei der Refense AG in der Schweiz bedanken. Zusammen haben wir über mehrere Monate an dem Projekt ETSVR I gearbeitet und — neben den resultierenden Publikationen und internen Reporten — viele spannende Tage miteinander verbracht. Daher möchte ich mich ganz besonders bei Christoph Altmann (Stadtpolizei Zürich), Silvan Gort (Stadtpolizei Zürich), und Ronny Tobler (Refense AG) für die gelungene und lehrreiche Zusammenarbeit bedanken. Zürich wird sicherlich immer wieder ein Reiseziel für mich sein. Over the period of my PhD, I have had the pleasure to work with close to 1400 police officers, cadets, instructors, and training coordinators from law enforcement agencies in the Netherlands, Austria, Belgium, Germany, Romania, Sweden, and Switzerland. I would like to thank these participants for their invaluable contributions to the various experiments during my PhD. A big thank you goes to my alma mater, Louisiana Tech University, who has shaped my academic development and was first to spark my interest in research and academia during my undergraduate studies. In particular, I would like to thank Dr. B (aka Jordan Blazo). You have piqued my curiosity to pursue research in the field of police and military psychology, which led me to seek out research projects in that domain during my graduate studies. Thank you for leading me on the right path! Undoubtedly, I would not have enjoyed the process of staring at a computer for hours on end, computing complex data analyses, and writing smart-sounding scientific manuscripts, without my colleagues at the Department of Human Movement Sciences. I hold very fond memories of having coffee at the coffee corner, chatting in the office hall, sharing lunch and cake, and catching up during