Lisanne Kleygrewe

Police Training in Practice: Organization and Delivery According to European Law Enforcement Agencies 2 31 “I think with the time that we have here to train, we’re doing a good job, I think because everything depends. Everything is in the legislation about how many hours you can train a certain aspect of the formation and with the time that we have. If we had 2 years, it would be better, if we had a thousand rounds, it would be better.” (TC2) “I think we’re doing well for what we can do at the moment. It can always be better; of that I am convinced. But we do not have the means to do it the way we want to.” (TC5) Resource Availability With a total of 66 quotations, the availability of resources for training was a large topic for training coordinators and instructors: particularly the (limited) availability of instructors and personnel, training equipment, training facilities, training locations, and training time. For training coordinators and instructors, the shortcoming of these resources directly affects the quality of training, as well as the amount of knowledge and skills instructors are able to teach to cadets and police officers: “We have a short number of trainers, so that’s also something that is there. The quality of our training is under pressure.” (TC1) “Due to the high number of students, it is not even possible to give every student a roleplay on the respective topic. Unfortunately, that is just not doable, so [trainees] have to learn a lot by looking and watching. In terms of resources, this is unfortunately not possible any other way.” (TC3) “If you come [to the training center] four times a year, then two of those times are tests, like the shooting test, the legal theory test. Then there’s not much time to learn something.” (I2) Training coordinators and instructors made clear wishes and suggestions on resources they require to improve the quality of their training: “My wish is to have a group of trainers only doing training because now I borrow the trainers from regular daily [work], you know, patrolling.” (TC4) “The [instructors] need more logistics. We have no training infrastructures. We have no buildings, and we have no weapons.” (TC7)