Marleen Ottenhoff

109 Educational beliefs, identity and mission 4 Analysis We performed a three-step analysis. Firstly, we identified participants’ awareness of their educational identity and mission (Step 1); secondly, we identified their beliefs about teaching and learning (Step 2); thirdly, we determined the relationship between these two areas of inquiry (Step 3). Awareness of educational identity and mission In Step 1, to identify participants’ awareness of their educational identity and mission, we used the codebook developed in a previous medical education study22 which is based on Korthagen’s model.12 This study describes four teacher profiles, hierarchically ordered to describe an educator’s increasing awareness of distinct aspects of being an educator (see Table 4.1). Table 4.1. Summary of teacher profiles (based on Ottenhoff-de Jonge et al.22). Teacher profile: Teacher’s main focus is on: Teacher is aware of their: Educational identity Educational mission Critic Contextual aspects that constrain being a successful educator - - Practitioner The practice of education: educational behaviours and competencies - - Role Model Educational identity + - Inspirer Personal educational mission + + - = not present; + = present In the least elaborate profile, labelled as the ‘Critic,’ educators focus on environmental and contextual factors while in the second profile, the ‘Practitioner,’ educators focus on behaviours and competencies as an educator. In the ‘Role model’ profile, educators extend their awareness to include their educational identity, whereas in the most elaborate ‘Inspirer’ profile, educators reflect not only on aspects emphasised by the other profiles, but also on their educational mission. Educators in the ‘Role model’ and ‘Inspirer’ profiles are characterised by their emphasis on affective aspects of being an educator, in contrast to the other two profiles that emphasise cognitive aspects. Based on the coded text fragments, each educator was categorised into one of four profiles to discern educators’ awareness identity and mission. Educators in the ‘Critic’ and ‘Practitioner’ profiles did not have any codes related to identity and mission, educators in the ‘Role model’ profile had assigned codes that