Marleen Ottenhoff

111 Educational beliefs, identity and mission 4 Relationship between beliefs about teaching and learning, and awareness of an educational identity and mission For the third step in the analysis, we looked for combinations of the belief orientations and the teacher profiles (see Table 4.2) to answer our research question about the relationship between beliefs about teaching and learning, and awareness of identity and mission. To obtain a better understanding of the meaning of this relationship and its implications for practice, we discussed the findings within the research team. Table 4.2. The relationship between medical educators’ belief orientation and teacher profile. Belief orientation Teaching- centred orientations Learning- centred orientations Teacher profile I. Imparting information II. Transmitting structured knowledge III. Providing and facilitating understanding IV. Helping student develop expertise V. Sharing the responsibility for developing expertise VI. Negotiating meaning Critic - - - - - - Practitioner - + + - - - Role model - + + + + - Inspirer - - - + + + RESULTS We will describe the results in the order of the three steps of the analysis. Awareness of educational identity and mission When classifying the educators’ teacher profiles, none of our participants fell into the ‘Critic’ profile. Of the twenty-one participants, three fell into the ‘Practitioner’ profile, eight into the ‘Role model’ profile, and ten into the ‘Inspirer’ profile.