Marleen Ottenhoff

112 Chapter 4 The educators with a ‘Practitioner’ profile were unaware of their educational identity and mission. They instead emphasised their competencies as educators, such as knowing how to help students understand basic concepts, and concrete behaviours that could help to achieve this goal, for example repetition of the content: It’s really a challenge to balance the topics, so that it’s sophisticated enough that they will be able to use this for the rest of their life…, these concepts. (…) most people, the first time they hear a lot of these things, they will not get it… And that’s why I think repetition is essential. I think anything that is worth learning should be repeated. (S06) Awareness of an educational identity was present in the educators with a ‘Role model’ profile. However, they did not discuss an educational mission. They emphasised the importance of being enthusiastic, engaged with the student, and committed to teaching. I think you have to have a certain enthusiasm, a certain love for the profession…, you have to enjoy working with younger people. And I like that. (…) I think the biggest influence [on the student’s learning process] is whether the teachers in front of the student have a heart for education; heart for the teaching of their profession and therefore also for education. (L05) We labelled this fragment as ‘identity,’ as throughout the interview it became clear that the focus of this participant was on their own role as educator. Awareness of an educational mission was present in the educators who demonstrated the ‘Inspirer’ profile. They expressed their caring about student learning or sharing their passion for the medical profession with the student. If I succeed in inspiring people to want to learn something more, then I would consider that as a success. (…) I think the most important thing [as a teacher] is modelling the care of patients (…) and the patient’s values and beliefs and context are incredibly important. So, I think, as an individual, that is what I impart most and hope to inspire. (S08) All participants who were aware of their educational mission also articulated an awareness of their educational identity.