Marleen Ottenhoff

122 Chapter 4 ADDENDA Addendum 4.1. Interview guide: see Chapter 2, Addendum 2.2. Addendum 4.2. Beliefs framework: see Chapter 2, Table 2.1. Addendum 4.3. Sample quotes of both a teaching-centred and a learning-centred belief for each dimension. The respective teaching-centred orientations (orientations II and III) and learning-centred orientations (orientations IV, V and VI) have been merged, as we here aim to illustrate global differences between teaching-centred and learning-centred beliefs as identified in this study. Belief orientations Belief dimension Teaching-centred (Orientation II or III) Learning-centred (Orientation IV, V or VI) Desired learning outcome Students’ understanding of concepts ‘Well, that small group is about a certain subject and the intention is that they understand what is…[discussed] in that small group. And that they can answer questions about that later.’ (L09) Change in students’ thinking ‘if the students share in the excitement of learning new ways of thinking, and new things, that definitely influences them.’ (S01) Expected use of knowledge Within subject for future use ‘Learning? Learning is making synaptic changes in your own mind so that certain knowledge or connections stick in your head, things you really understand, that you can recap at any time.’ (L12) To enable interpretation of the professional reality of patient care or health care ‘…so I hope that my teaching is helping people think, (…) and how to apply tools and skills and knowledge in the domain we’re used to doing.’ (S10) Responsibility for transforming knowledge Teacher ‘Students’ main responsibilities? Preparing. Participating. That’s really what it is. (…) They should bring the knowledge base that we explicitly ask them to judge.’ (S03) Students & teacher ‘The student (…) is responsible for his/her development, and I am the coach. So you [the teacher] have to make sure that you help them as best you can to achieve those goals. Whether they are achieved is of course the student’s responsibility.’ (L13)