Marleen Ottenhoff

123 Educational beliefs, identity and mission 4 Addendum 4.3. Continued. Belief orientations Belief dimension Teaching-centred (Orientation II or III) Learning-centred (Orientation IV, V or VI) Nature of knowledge Externally constructed. Focus on ‘factual’ knowledge ‘Knowledge is, of course, partly factual knowledge. I think it is important that the students in the first years in particular acquire sufficient knowledge of anatomy and physiology. That they know how processes in the body work.’ (L08) Personalised and dynamic. Focus on learning from reality ‘Professional knowledge obviously comes from books, lectures, other learning opportunities, and it’s coupled with experiential knowledge, ideally with reflection about the experience….’ (S12) Students’ existing conceptions Not taken into account Used as basis for developing expertise or to negotiate meaning ‘They [students] bring their backgrounds, their ingenuity, their dreams, their hopes, their interests. The whole concept of self-directed learning begins with saying everybody has this drive inside of them to learn and master things.’ (S05) Teacherstudent interaction Reciprocal to maintain students’ attention/ to clarify meaning ‘I think [the purpose of interaction is] to keep their attention. Yes, I think that is a very important goal.’ (L03) Reciprocal to negotiate meaning ‘ the expectation that you learn… both. So it’s not a unidirectional process, it’s not a transfer; it is a two-directional transfer I would say.’ (L04) Creation of conducive learning environment Not stressed/ stressed to make students feel at ease ‘So you … want them to feel that it is okay to be somewhat overwhelmed with the material. You know, the beginning is hard and I tell them. You acknowledge that and it helps; it gives them some encouragement.’ (S06) Stressed to help individual student/ to allow student to learn ‘…I’d like to avoid embarrassment. Why? It’s demoralising, they’re not in a position to learn if they’re demoralised; I want the atmosphere to be one of having fun and discussing important ideas together (…). Learning is more effective if it’s fun.’ (S01)