Marleen Ottenhoff

124 Chapter 4 Addendum 4.3. Continued. Belief orientations Belief dimension Teaching-centred (Orientation II or III) Learning-centred (Orientation IV, V or VI) Students’ professional development Not stressed/ a limited number of competencies (communication/ collaboration) stressed ‘The aim of the small group is often the transfer of knowledge, and a bit of course also the collaboration that they should have with each other in such a small group. Although I don’t really do much about that.’ (L05) Stressed; teacher helps/ fosters student in their professional development ‘I want to make sure that I prepare the students for the outcomes which include taking care of patients, as well as assessments and life-applications; whether it’s in the clinic or it’s in academics or if it’s in team-based work with other professionals.‘ (S04) Students’ motivation Teacher tries to transmit own motivation to students/ is aware of students’ intrinsic motivation ´...the enthusing role of the teacher. (…) With nice small group teaching, which appeals to them, I think you give them tools to be even more interested.’ (L03) Teacher is aware of individual student’s motivation/ fosters individual student’s motivation to enhance the learning ‘I really work hard to get to know these students at a personal level. (…) to know a little better about their own interests and experiences and draw on these as part of the teaching and learning that we do, to make it seem so relevant to them.’ (S13)