Marleen Ottenhoff

138 Chapter 5 Participant: But if you want to look at things that have changed, nothing has. And I doubt it will. So the way teaching is rewarded here is minimally. Interviewer: And is that the reason why you were more cynical? Participant: I’ve given up on that. That’s not worth my effort to even raise my breath about it. But what that leaves you is your own motivation for teaching, and that I can get rewarded for that in any significant way. And that’s when the effects of your teaching on the students become really apparent. (S03) Box 5.1. Sample. 2008 (Phase 1): Interviewer: What makes somebody a good teacher? Participant: Wanting to learn how to be a good teacher (…). You can’t believe how much time I’ve spent trying to analyse how to be a better teacher. (…) I think it’s just really a willingness to make the learning fun. 2018 (Phase 2): Interviewer: What makes somebody a good teacher? Participant: Paying attention to the students. (…) to constantly be self-critical and constantly think of ways that you might do better. (…) If the students are enjoying the class, and they share in the excitement of learning new ways of thinking, that definitely influences them. If they feel that you care about their learning, that influences them. (…) I tried to learn their names. It’s just a demonstration that I care enough to know at least their first name. In both 2008 and 2018 this educator (S01) emphasised certain characteristics of a good teacher, e.g. a willingness to learn how to be a good teacher or to make learning fun. These are examples of his awareness of his educational identity. In 2018, his primary focus is more on the students: his first answer to the question of what makes a good teacher is: paying attention to the students. He emphasises caring for the students and their learning, and sharing with them in the excitement of learning. These are examples of his awareness of his educational mission. Therefore, we categorised him in the Role model phenotype in 2008, and in the Inspirer phenotype in 2018.