Marleen Ottenhoff

148 Chapter 5 ADDENDA Addendum 5.1. Interview guide: see Chapter 2, Addendum 2.2. Q 6, main and supplementary questions are relevant to the present study. Addendum 5.2. Codebook related to study on phenotypes. (see Ottenhoff-de Jonge MW, van der Rijst RM, Gesundheit N, et al. From critic to inspirer: four profiles reveal the belief system and commitment to educational mission of medical academics. BMC Med Educ. 2019;19:268.) ENVIRONMENT: everything outside the academic him-/herself that can influence his/her teaching. Environment/non-personal/enough time, given the teachers’ other responsibilities Environment/non-personal/a non-distracting learning environment Environment/non-personal/constraints of academics Environment/non-personal/enough time Environment/non-personal/enough time and money Environment/non-personal/enough time in curriculum Environment/non-personal/more faculty Environment/non-personal/setting of small vs large group Environment/non-personal/size of classes not being too big Environment/administration/being rewarded for teaching Environment/administration/compensation in time or money by administration Environment/administration/emotional and promotional reward Environment/administration/enough time allocated to education by administration Environment/administration/giving priority to teaching by administration Environment/administration/professionalising teachers by administration Environment/administration/recognition of the importance of teaching by the administration Environment/students/different knowledge levels of the students Environment/students/enough time, given the students’ other responsibilities Environment/students/interacting with receptive students Environment/peers/enough faculty involved in teaching Environment/peers/recognition by peers that teaching is important BEHAVIOURS: fragments articulated in a direct, usually present tense, which in real time would be directly observable. Behaviour/related to student/dealing with the group/ not trying to please everybody Behaviour/related to student/dealing with the group/identifying and reflecting on what is going on in the group