Marleen Ottenhoff

150 Chapter 5 Competency/related to student/dealing with the group/having a feeling of balancing needs of different students Competency/related to student/evoking enthusiasm/engaging and motivating the student Competency/related to student/evoking enthusiasm/ability to elevate interest of student Competency/related to student/evoking enthusiasm/ability to engage students Competency/related to student/relating on an interpersonal level/ability to identify with the student Competency/related to student/relating on an interpersonal level/ability to make student feel comfortable Competency/related to student/relating on an interpersonal level/courage to give feedback Competency/related to student/relating on an interpersonal level/ability to relate to student in a non-authoritarian way Competency/related to student/stimulating self-directed learning/ability to communicate that the sessions are for the students’ benefit Competency/related to student/stimulating self-directed learning/ability to get the student to ask questions Competency/related to student/stimulating self-directed learning/ability to present new challenges to student Competency/related to task as educator/ability to choose appropriate educational behaviour/ ability to present content in attractive way Competency/related to task as educator/ability to help student see and understand difficult concepts Competency/related to task as educator/ability to organise session, focus on important issues Competency/related to task as educator/ability to restructure information Competency/related to task as educator/ability to simplify, reduce redundant knowledge, focus on main issues Competency/related to task as educator/attitude to improve, innovate Competency/related to task as educator/knowledge of content in order to gain respect of student Competency/related to task as educator/knowledge of the setting, context of the teaching Competency/related to task as educator/knowing where your students are, what they know Competency/related to task as educator/knowledge of education Competency/related to task as MD/ability to structure knowledge of discipline Competency/related to task as MD/knowledge of content Competency/related to self/(attitude) to know oneself and ability to adapt Competency/related to self/ability to self-reflect Competency/related to self/ability to deal with feedback Competency/related to self/attitude to keep learning BELIEFS: fragments phrased as convictions with regard to teaching and learning. Usually put as statements, impersonal. Residual category: if a fragment can also be placed in another level we choose that level.