Marleen Ottenhoff

152 Chapter 5 Identity/related to educational role/flexibility in ways of teaching Identity/related to educational role/making learning exciting Identity/related to educational role/making learning inspiring Identity/related to educational role/to convey enthusiasm for teaching the student Identity/related to educational role/willingness to improve your own teaching Identity/related to educational role/willingness to make the learning fun Identity/related to educational role/willingness to teach, commitment Identity/related to personal role/acknowledgement of the limitations of one’s knowledge Identity/related to personal role/being a role model with whom student can identify Identity/related to personal role/being approachable Identity/related to personal role/being approachable and inviting for other opinions Identity/related to personal role/being flexible Identity/related to personal role/being non-intimidating or -arrogant Identity/related to personal role/being receptive to feedback Identity/related to personal role/being wise and experienced Identity/related to personal role/someone who brings out the best in himself Identity/related to personal role/someone who is a great learner himself Identity/related to patient-care role/being a good clinical teacher on the ward Identity/related to patient-care role/being a role model Identity/related to patient-care role/being comfortable in your profession Identity/related to patient-care role/enjoying your topic, your field Identity/related to patient-care role/having a passion for the topic Note: fragments like ‘being respectful/ approachable,’ even though it has both identity and mission aspects, will be placed under identity level, because the main focus is on the academic and not on the student. MISSION: fragments phrased as goals/aims pursued in teaching. The focus should be on the student, not on the academic. Mission/related to educational field/being a role model for learning Mission/related to educational field/caring that students learn something Mission/related to educational field/sharing your passion for learning with student Mission/related to educational field/someone who brings out the best in the student Mission/related to educational field/to help student to be inspired to learn Mission/related to medical field/being excited about your field and sharing that energy Mission/related to medical field/dedicated to their profession Mission/related to medical field/sharing your enthusiasm for the profession Mission/related to medical field/to convey one’s passion for the profession Note: if there is uncertainty between two levels, we choose the most inner level