Marleen Ottenhoff

46 Chapter 2 Table 2.1. New framework of belief orientations defined by their constituent belief dimensions and beliefs. Dimensions Teaching- centred orientations I. Imparting information II. Transmitting structured knowledge III. Providing and facilitating understanding 1 Desired learning outcomes Recall of atomised information A Reproductive understanding A/b Reproductive understanding A/b 2 Expected use of knowledge Within subject A Within subject for future use A/b Within subject for future use A/b 3 Responsibility for transforming knowledge Teacher A Teacher A Teacher shows how knowledge can be used A/b 4 Nature of knowledge Externally constructed, focus on information/ structured knowledge A Externally constructed, focus on information/ structured knowledge A Externally constructed, teacher shows how knowledge can be used in reality A/b 5 Students’ existing conceptions Not taken into account A Not taken into account A Not taken into account A 6 Teacher- student interaction Not stressed A Reciprocal to maintain students’ attention A/b Reciprocal to clarify understanding B/a 7 Creation of a conducive learning environment Not stressed A Not stressed A Stressed, to make the students feel at ease A/b 8 Professional development Not stressed A Not stressed A Certain competencies stressed A/b 9 Students’ motivation Teacher tries to transmit motivation to students A Teacher tries to transmit motivation to students A Teacher is aware of students’ intrinsic motivation A/b * bold text denotes necessary adaptations to the original framework