Marleen Ottenhoff

64 Chapter 2 ADDENDA Addendum 2.1. Samuelowicz & Bain Framework: see Chapter 1, Table 1.1. Addendum 2.2. Interview guide. Main questions Questions related to teaching Q 1 What do you aim to achieve through your teaching? Q 2 What is teaching? Q 3 Does the format of the small group influence your teaching? (as opposed to large group lectures/one-on-one teaching) How? Q 4 What do you see as your role and as your students’ role in the teaching and learning process? Q 5 What do students bring to the learning process? Q 6 What makes somebody a good teacher? Questions related to knowledge Q 7 What is knowledge in your discipline? Questions related to learning Q 8 What is learning? Q 9 Does the format of the small group influence the students’ learning? How? Q 10 How do you know that your students have learned something? Q 11 Do you assess what students have learned through the small group teaching? If so, how? Q 12 What were the most important ways in which your learning as a student was enhanced? Question linking teaching and students’ learning Q 13 We have talked about teaching and learning; does your teaching influence student learning? How?