Marleen Ottenhoff

65 A beliefs framework 2 Supplementary questions • Do you think you achieve your aims? If not, what happens in practice? • What, if anything, does prevent you from achieving your aims? • Do you think about teaching in this way in all situations? If not, what are other ways in which you think about teaching? • What is your main concern when teaching? • What are your and students’ main responsibilities? • What do you do apart from telling students about something? • What, if anything, do you see as main obstacles to good teaching? • Where does knowledge come from? • Are there different types of knowledge? • Do you teach different types of knowledge in different ways? How? In particular, how do you teach relationship between theory and practice? • Do you ever modify your small group-teachings and if so, what does influence the changes you make? • What does it mean to learn? • What are the signs that students have learned something? • What distinguishes a competent/good student from a poor student? • If you asked your students at the end of the course ‘what have you learned from this course?’ what would you like your students to say? • Do you, and if so how, communicate to students what kind of learning you value? • What does happen in the teaching process that prepares students for this assessment? • How were you made responsible for your own learning? • What do you think has the biggest influence on students’ learning? • What is the most important thing you do in small group teaching that influences ways in which students learn?