Marleen Ottenhoff

75 From Critic to Inspirer 3 name this level as the level of convictions. Identity, the next level, can be defined as the perspective teachers have on themselves, how they define themselves, how they perceive their professional role. Even though the focus is on the ‘self,’ the perspective is relational, and largely determined by how relationships with significant others are viewed. Finally, the core level of the model, the level of mission, implies the intentions and goals a teacher pursues through teaching. What characterises the mission level is that it is focused on others, and on giving meaning to one’s own existence through contributions in a larger context. It has also been characterised as the ‘transpersonal’ level. Answering the question of why one teaches can lead to a reflection on the educational mission of the academic, whereas the question of who teaches can lead to further insight into the identity of the academic. Environment Mission Identity Convictions Competencies Behaviours Figure 3.1. Concentric onion model of essential elements of teacher qualities (Korthagen35, adapted).