Marleen Ottenhoff

82 Chapter 3 Table 3.1. Themes of teacher qualities with corresponding subthemes, frequencies of text fragments, and examples. Theme (number of text fragments) Subtheme Environment (85) • related to non-personal factors • related to students • related to administration • related to peers Behaviours (56) • related to students • related to task • related to self Competencies (55) • related to students • related to task as educator • related to task as MD • related to self Convictions (22) • regarding the teaching process: teacher-centred • regarding the teaching process: student-centred • regarding the teacher: not innate • regarding the teacher: innate Identity (55) • related to educational role • related to personal role • related to patient-care role Mission (13) • related to educational field • related to medical field Profiles The clustering process generated four profiles. Each profile represents participants with shared beliefs about teacher qualities. Through discussions within the research team we concluded that the most central theme (corresponding to the level of the Korthagen model, see Figure 3.1) that a participant had reflected on, was the most relevant to his/her beliefs. Therefore we clustered the profiles accordingly. The first profile included all the participants who had expressed beliefs related to the mission theme as their most central theme. The second consisted of all of the remaining participants who had reflected on the identity theme as their most central theme. The third contained all the remaining participants who had beliefs about competencies and behaviours themes as their most central theme.