Marleen Ottenhoff

83 From Critic to Inspirer 3 Frequency of text fragments (%) Example (subtheme; case number) 41 38 18 3 ‘Too often I have the feeling that if I want to spend time and attention to teaching it has to be done in my own spare time, outside working hours.’ (related to administration; L01) 41 41 18 ‘they [some teachers] come in completely unprepared, and they haven’t thought about how they are going to convey the material to the students.’ (related to task; S01) 36 29 24 11 ‘Be someone who has the knowledge base. I think being on the same knowledge level as the student is not enough: you need to have the depth behind.’ (related to task as MD; L10) 32 32 23 13 ‘A great teacher is of course also someone who stimulates the student asking relevant questions.’ (regarding the teaching process: student-centred; L04) 69 20 11 ‘[...] be someone who is approachable and inviting for other opinions.’ (related to personal role; S04) 69 31 ‘they [good teachers] can transmit their passion, […] are dedicated to their profession, they like sharing their enthusiasm.’ (related to medical field; S07) The fourth profile included the three remaining participants, all of whom had expressed beliefs related to the most outer theme of environment. The reason that we did not take the theme of convictions as a basis for a profile was because the four subthemes within this theme represent two mutually exclusive convictions, regarding the teacher and the teaching process, respectively. Thus, the academics who had expressed beliefs incorporated within the convictions theme did not all share similar beliefs. Table 3.2 shows how the participants are divided among the profiles, and the themes within which each participant has reflected.