Marleen Ottenhoff

86 Chapter 3 We related the four profiles to all 20 subthemes as well as to the contextual and personal factors to explore in which aspects the participants within a profile differed significantly from all other participants. This resulted in an in-depth description of each of the four profiles. We were unable to explore the roles of two of the four personal factors because they were the same for all participants, namely the factor ‘educational role’ as well as ‘type of educational task.’ All our participants had not only a teaching role, but also roles in educational management/ development and/or research; and all participants were involved in both lecturing and small group teaching. Below we describe each profile. Where relevant, we include quotations from participants belonging to the profile concerned to clarify the core characteristics of the profile (main theme and subtheme labels are italicised). Profile l: the ‘Inspirer’ The seven academics within this profile had in common that they all reflected on their mission. As the beliefs within the mission theme can be summarised as ’inspiring students,’ we gave this profile the name of ‘Inspirer.’ Because these academics reflected on their mission as educator or as physician, we developed two subthemes: mission related to educational field and mission related to medical field. For example, they emphasised the importance of sharing one’s passion for learning (mission/related to educational field) or one’s passion for the medical profession (mission/related to medical field) with students. Some academics reflected on both: Enjoying your topic, enjoying your field, caring about your students, that they learn. The number one thing is caring about the students (mission/related to educational field). Having a lot of energy: people get more engaged by people who are excited about what they are doing and part some of that energy (mission/related to medical field). I think you can’t substitute anything for caring that your students learn. The more you care, the better you are. (mission/ related to educational field; S10) Significantly, the academics within the ‘Inspirer’ profile more often reflected on the subtheme identity/related to personal role (p= .007) compared to the other profiles. Academics who were aware of their mission to support students’ learning and inspire students for the medical profession also emphasised the importance of an academic’s personal character qualities, such as being flexible, being receptive to feedback, being wise, acknowledging the limitations of one’s own knowledge: