Marleen Ottenhoff

89 From Critic to Inspirer 3 Fourthly, two respondents emphasised the importance of reflecting on group dynamics: picking up signals of what is going on in a group as well as accepting that within a group one should not try to please everybody. You need to be able to put yourself in the position of the student as much as possible. It’s difficult, but you need to have a feeling of balancing the needs of the different students. (competency related to student/dealing with the group; S06) With regard to contextual and personal factors, the academics of the ‘Practitioner’ profile did not differ significantly from all other academics. Profile IV: the ‘Critic’ This profile contained three academics who focused on the theme of environment. They did not make any references to mission or identity, nor did their comments refer to the behaviours theme. Two of the three respondents reflected on the environment and beliefs themes, while the third reflected on the themes of environment and competencies. Compared to the other profiles the focus of the academics in this profile was on external factors that prevented them from being a good teacher: this was significant for factors attributed to their peers (environment/peers: p= .029), such as lack of recognition by colleagues that teaching is important. They [other faculty] don’t like to change things. Once they get it down they just want to keep doing it. Improvement is out of the realm of 90% of the faculty who are teaching. They’re busy people, it’s the last thing on their list, it has the lowest priority. (environment/related to peers; S03) All three participants emphasised lack of time as an important constraining factor to good teaching. Two of the three participants mentioned factors caused by the administration of the faculty, for example, being responsible for sufficient finances, for explicit teaching rewards or for faculty development (a nonsignificant difference of p= .052). Because of this focus on external factors that need improvement, we named this profile the ‘Critic’ profile. The most important is always time and money (environment/related to nonpersonal factors), but let’s put those aside for a moment, because we’re not going to fix those. If someone felt that being a good teacher brought rewards,