Marleen Ottenhoff

90 Chapter 3 some of them emotional, some of them promotional (environment/related to administration), some of them standing among their peers (environment/ related to peers) – not everyone has to stand up and applaud every time you walk down the hall, but a sense that teaching is important, clinical care is important, research is important, administration is important, if you have any one of them not working, bad things happen. (S12) Within the conviction theme, two of the three respondents of the ‘Critic’ profile expressed a teacher-centred teaching orientation (conviction/regarding the teaching process: teacher-centred) (a non-significant difference of p= .057). However, it was not possible to determine the teaching orientation of the third respondent. The academics of this profile did not differ significantly from all other academics regarding contextual and personal factors. Relationships between the profiles The data suggested that the four teacher profiles were hierarchically ordered, the ‘Inspirer’ profile being the highest in hierarchy because of its inclusiveness. This is supported by the finding that academics of profiles higher in hierarchy reflected on an increasing number of themes, including those reflected on by academics of profiles lower in hierarchy. Thus, the main focus of the academics in the ‘Critic’ profile was on the environment. Within the ‘Practitioner’ profile, reflection was on environment as well as on teacher behaviours and competencies. Although the academics in the ‘Role model’ profile extended their elaborateness as far as teacher identity issues, academics in the ‘Inspirer’ profile reflected on all the themes, even on the core theme of teachers’ mission (see Table 3.2). To illustrate the inclusive, elaborated beliefs of the ‘Inspirer’ profile we conclude with an example of an academic who verbalised his awareness of an effective teacher’s mission, identity, related competencies, and relevant environmental factors in a congruent way (coded text fragments in bold).