Adriënne van der Schoor

Supplemental file 1: Survey of environmental sampling practices in healthcare facilities Survey of environmental sampling practices Survey of environmental sampling practices in healthcare facilities This is a survey about environmental sampling in healthcare facilities. The questions asked cover your role in the hospital and in sampling, how samples are taken and processed and what happens to the results. 1. Where do you work? o Acute care hospital o Specialised hospital o Nursing home o Long stay care home o Health centre 2. In what country are you based? (If non-European, please select ‘other’) 3. Name of hospital 4. What is your current role? o Clinical microbiologist o Infection control practicioner o Medical laboratory scientist o Scientist (other) o Other 5. With regard to environmental sampling, what is our role? (tick all which apply) o Sample collection o Sample processing o Interpretation of results o Dissemination of the results o Making decisions about policy and process o Other (please specify) 138 Chapter 3.1