Adriënne van der Schoor

Supplemental file 2. Sampled locations Both in the old and the new building, swabs were taken from all locations. Two cotton swabs were used per location, and a standardized surface of 100 cm2 was sampled. For the nightstand, table, wall, sink, shower chair and the sink in the bathroom, we used a frame of 10 by 10 cm2. To accommodate for the toilet seat, frames of 5 by 20 cm2 were used. Due to the shape of the top and bottom of the sink plug, and the shower drain and door handle, no frames were used to sample these locations. Instead, the whole surface was sampled. Supplementary figure 2.1. Taking the swab. Supplementary figure 2.2.The sink plug 3 173 Environmental contamination with MDRO in single-occupancy rooms