Adriënne van der Schoor

PhD portfolio Name Adriënne Stephanie van der Schoor Institute Erasmus MC University Medical Center Department Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases PhD period 2017-2023 Promotor Prof.dr. Margreet C. Vos Co-promotor Dr. Anne F. Voor in ‘t holt Dr. Juliëtte A. Severin Courses The Course on R, 1,8 ECTS 2018 The Workshop on Microsoft Excel 2010: Advanced, 0,3 ECTS 2019 The Photoshop and Illustrator CC 2019 Workshop for PhD-students and other researchers, 0,15 ECTS 2019 Research Integrity, 0,3 ECTS 2019 The Workshop on How to Design and Pitch a Good Poster, 0,15 ECTS 2020 The Workshop on InDesign CC 2019 for PhD-students and other researchers, 0,15 ECTS 2020 The Biomedical English Writing Course for MSc and PhD students, 2,5 ECTS 2021 The Excel Visual Basic, 0,30 ECTS 2021 National & international conferences, meetings, & presentations Conferences The 29th ECCMID, Amsterdam, the Netherlands 2019 Two paper posters (first author) One oral presentation (co-author) The 30th ECCMID, Paris, France - cancelled 2020 One paper poster (first author) FIS/HIS International - digital 2020 One oral presentation (first author) One digital poster (co-author) Decennial 2020, 6th International Conference on Healthcare Associated Infections, Atlanta, USA - cancelled 2020 Two poster presentations, first author The 31st ECCMID – digital 2021 One oral presentation (first author) One mini oral flash (first author) Two digital posters (first author) ICPIC, Geneva, Switzerland 2021 The 32nd ECCMID, Lisbon, Portugal 2022 One oral presentation (first author) ARCH22, Delft, the Netherlands 2022 One oral presentation (first author) A 233 PhD Portfolio