Adriënne van der Schoor

Acknowledgements We hereby thank the members of the research team who helped including patients, Tija Ikanovic and Afroditi Manoliou for helping with processing of the samples, and Willemien Zandijk for her help with DNA isolation. This research was presented as an oral during the digital Federation of Infection Societies/Healthcare Infection Society International in 2020, and as a mini oral during the digital 31st European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (abstract ID 01383). Author contributions Conceived and designed the study: MV, JS, AV, MB, JH, JA. Collecting data: AS, AW. Analyzed the data: AS, AW, AV, NS, CK. Wrote the paper: AS, AW, AV. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. Funding This study was funded by the board of directors of the Erasmus MC University Medical Center. The board of directors had no role on the design of the study, in data collection, analysis, interpretation, or writing and approval of the manuscript. Declarations Ethics approval and consent to participate This study was approved by the medical ethical research committee of the Erasmus MC (MEC-2017-1011), and was not subject to the Medical Research Involving Human Subjects Act. Written informed consent was obtained from all participating patients. This study was registered in the Dutch National Trial Register (NL8406). Consent for publication Not applicable Availability of data and material The datasets generated and/or analyzed during the current study are not publicly available due to privacy of the participating patients but are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request. Competing interests AS, JS, AW, NS, CK, JS, MB, JH, JA, MV, and AV declare that they have no competing interests. 42 Chapter 2.1