Adriënne van der Schoor

Table 1. Characteristics of patients carrying HRMO and patients not carrying HRMO at admission Patient characteristic HRMO carrier; n=15 Not carrying HRMO; n=232 p-value Male gender (%) 10 (66.7) 131 (56.5) 0.439 Age, median (IQR) 64 (26) 64 (18) 0.273 Travel <1y before admission (%) 7 (46.7) 110 (47.4) 0.955 Antibiotic use <1y (%) 7a (50) 115b (52.5) 0.855 Antacid use <1y (%) 9 (60) 97c (42.9) 0.197 Traveling household members <1y (%) 3 (20) 50 (21.6) 0.881 Animal contact d (%) 2 (13.3) 86 (37.1) NA Domestic animal contact 2 (13.3) 72e (31.4) NA Farm animal contact 0 (0) 5e (2.2) NA NA, not applicable, y, year, HRMO, highly resistant microorganism, IQR, interquartile range. a One patient with missing information b 13 patients with missing information c six patients with missing information d contact with farm or domestic animals more than 3 times a week, more than 1 hour each day e three patients with missing information; these patients only stated they had animal contact, but not with which animal. Traveling patients Out of the 247 patients, 117 patients (47.4%) travelled in the year before admission. Out of these 117 travelers, most patients (n=87, 74.4%), travelled within Europe, and 30 patients (25.6%) travelled outside of Europe (Fig. 2). Of the 117 travelling patients, 54 patients (46.2%) traveled to multiple countries. Of these 54 patients, 38 patients (70.1%) traveled only within Europe, 15 patients (27.8%) traveled outside and inside Europe, and 1 patient (1.9%) traveled to multiple destinations outside of Europe. Most patients (n=105 out of 117, 89.7%) travelled for less than 1 month (Table 3). In total, seven out of 117 traveling patients (6.0%) were HRMO carrier at hospital admission. All seven travelling patients carried an ESBL-producing E. coli, and travelled for less than a month (table 3). Thirty out of 117 patients (25.6%) travelled outside of Europe; in this group the HRMO prevalence was 13.3% (4 out of 30; all ESBL-positive E. coli). The highest carriage rates were observed in patients travelling to Northern Africa (50%), followed by travelling to Asia, to North America, and to South America 12.5%) (Figure 2), but overall carriage rates were low. 2 57 Pre-COVID-19 international travel and addmission to hospital back home