Adriënne van der Schoor

Chapter 1 General Introduction and outline of thesis 7
Chapter 2 Patients 23
Chapter 2.1 The effect of 100% single-occupancy rooms on acquisition of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Enterobacterales and intra-hospital patient transfers: a prospective before-and after study 25
Chapter 2.2 Pre-COVID-19 international travel and admission to hospital when back home: travel behavior, carriage of highly resistant microorganisms, and risk perception of patients admitted to a large tertiary care hospital 51
Chapter 2.3 Universal screening or a universal risk assessment combined with risk-based screening for multidrug-resistant microorganisms upon admission: comparing strategies 77
Chapter 2.4 Dynamics of Staphylococcus aureus in patients and the hospital environment in a tertiary care hospital in the Netherlands 97
Chapter 3 Environmental sampling and contamination 127
Chapter 3.1 Environmental sampling practices of innate hospital surfaces: a survey of current practices and the need for guidelines 129
Chapter 3.2 Environmental contamination with highly resistant microorganisms after relocating to a new hospital building with 100% single-occupancy rooms: a prospective observational before-and-after study with a three-year follow-up 147
Chapter 4 Summarizing discussion and future perspectives 183
Chapter 5 Nederlandse samenvatting 207
Chapter 6 Appendices 219
Chapter 6.1 Dankwoord 221
Chapter 6.2 Curriculum vitae 229
Chapter 6.3 List of publications 231
Chapter 6.4 PhD portfolio 233