Moniek Hutschemaekers

154 Research data management with the reviewers in a Data Sharing Collection (DSC: and will be made publicly available, once the article has been published. For chapters 3, 4 and 5 the final research data and data analyses scripts have also been stored on the network drive of the Radboud University. Informed consent was obtained on paper. The forms are archived in the archive of Pro Persona for 10 years after termination of the studies. Table 6.1. Overview of the accessibility of the data per chapter Chapter Collection DOI or contact 2 NA (no research data was collected) NA 3 Data Acquisition collection Prof. Jasper Smits 4 Data sharing collection (Radboud Repository) Raw data is stored on a secured drive at Pro Persona (only accessible for members involved in the project) 5 Data sharing collection (Radboud Repository) Raw data is stored on a secured file at Pro Persona (only accessible for members involved in the project) Interoperable, Reusable The raw data of the randomized controlled trial of chapter 4 and 5 was stored on the network drive of Pro Persona. These data were only accessible to members involved in the project. For chapter 4 and 5 we used long-lived file formats (e.g. .sav, .csv) to ensure that data remains usable in the future. We added readme files explaining the structure and content of the shared documents. Privacy The privacy of the participants in this thesis has been warranted using random individual subject codes. A pseudonymization key linked this random code with the personal data. This pseudonymization key was stored on a network drive that was only accessible to members of the project who needed access to it because of their role within the project. For chapter 3 the collaborators did not have access to this key. The pseudonymization key for chapter 4 and 5 was stored separately from the research data. Data in chapters