Moniek Hutschemaekers

165 Curriculum Vitae Curriculum Vitae Moniek Hutschemaekers (1991) was born in Tilburg and raised in Houten near Utrecht, the Netherlands. After she obtained her VWO diploma in 2009 she moved with her parents to Beuningen (Gelderland). Here, she started studying Psychology at the Radboud University Nijmegen and moved to Nijmegen in 2010. After she received her Bachelor degree Cum Laude in 2012, she was admitted to the Research Master program Behavioural Science and she obtained her master degree Cum Laude in 2014. During the Research Master she worked as a Research Assistant at the Korsakov Clinic (Vincent van Gogh GGZ) and at the Radboud University. During her Master Thesis she studied interpretation biases in hazardous drinkers at the Department of Experimental Research and Psychopathology. Subsequently, she obtained another Master Degree in Healthcare Psychology at Radboud University in 2015. During her second Master she completed an internship at Overwaal Centre of Expertise for Anxiety Disorders, OCD and PTSD (part of Pro Persona) and she continued to work there as a psychologist and junior researcher. At Overwaal she worked on research projects with a focus on fear extinction and avoidance in patients with anxiety disorders and cognitive bias modification in patients with PTSD. In 2017 she was accepted to the National Topklas Program, a trajectory in which a PhD project is combined with the Post-Master’s Healthcare training program (GZ-psychologist) as well as the post-license program for Specialists (Clinical Psychologist). She was the first candidate working at Pro Persona to participate in this program. In 2019 she registered as a Healthcare (GZ)-psychologist and currently she is in her final year of the program for specialists. During her training she worked with different patient groups and she registered as a licensed Dialectical Behavioral Therapist. Eager to translate fundamental research findings to the clinical practice, her PhD-project focused on enhancing exposure therapy for Social Anxiety Disorder by means of Testosterone. For the future Moniek hopes to work as a clinical psychologist, as a collaborator on research projects and as a teacher for the post-Master program for Healthcare psychologist.