Moniek Hutschemaekers

57 Endogenous testosterone levels are predictive of symptom reduction with exposure therapy in social anxiety disorder Chapter 3 - appendix 2 Further details reported analyses Details analysis reactive testosterone and fear levels at post-assessment This analysis showed a main effect of Time, Estimate = -6.27(0.89), F(1,67) = 49.53, p <.001). Peak SUD scores reduced from speech 1 (M = 74.63, SD = 16.56) to the post-assessment (M = 56.05, SD = 20.02), confirming that exposure resulted in the expected within-session reductions in fear levels. A main effect of gender was also found, Estimate = -5.37(1.96), F(1,67) = 7.46, p =.008. SUD scores are higher for females (M = 69.23, SD = 18.84), compared to males (M = 57.03, SD = 22.08). However, no interaction effect of Time x Testosterone reactivity was found, Estimate = -0.15(.14), F(1,64) = 1.33, p = .25. Reductions in fear levels from speech 1 (of the speech exposure session) to post-assessment were not dependent of testosterone reactivity. Details analysis baseline testosterone and fear levels This analysis showed a main effect of Time, Estimate = -7.19(0,95), F(1,71) = 59.92, p <.001. Specifically, peak SUDs reduced over the three speeches (Mspeech1 = 74.63, SD = 16.58; Mspeech2 = 67.15, SD = 14.01; Mspeech3 = 60.25, SD = 17.71). An additional main effect of Gender, Estimate = -4.55(1.82), F(1,68) = 6.02, p = 0.02 showed that fear levels were higher for females (M = 70.04., SD = 16.19) compared to males (M = 60.65, SD = 17.72). However, contrary to our hypothesis there was no significant modulation of this effect by baseline testosterone levels, as indicated by a non-significant Time x Testosterone interaction, Estimate = -0.24(1.02), F(1,71) = 0.06, p = 0.81. Details analysis baseline testosterone and fear levels at post-assessment This analysis showed a main effect of Time, Estimate = -6.30(0.88), F(1,68) = 50.81, p <.001. Fear levels reduced from speech 1 (M = 74.63, SD = 16.56) to post-assessment (M = 56.05, SD = 20.02). Moreover, a main effect of Gender was found, Estimate = -5.98(1,96), (F(1,69) = 8.15, p <.001). Fear levels are higher for females (M = 69.23, SD = 18.84), compared to males (M = 57.03, SD = 22.08). However, no interaction effect of Time x Baseline testosterone was found, Estimate = 0.92(0.93), F(1,67) = 0.97, p = .33. Reductions in fear levels from speech 1 tot post-assessment were not dependent of baseline testosterone. 3