Moniek Hutschemaekers

84 Chapter 4 Estimate(quadratic) = -1.86(3.09), F(1,48) = .36, p = .551. The HR patterns in the T group did not differ from those in the P group. With baseline testosterone in the post-hoc-model we again found Time effects: Estimate (linear) = -28.07(6.29), F(1,47) = 19.85, p < .001, Estimate(quadratic) = 7.68(3.23), F(1,46) = 5.63, p = .022, and the absence of Time x Group interactions were confirmed: Estimate(linear) = 6.22(6.29), F(1,47) = .97, p = .329, Estimate(quadratic) = -2.44(3.23), F(1,46) = .57, p = .456. There was a non-significant trend towards a Time(linear) x Group x Baseline T interaction: Estimate =.80(.42), F(1,44) = 3.64, p = .063. Partly in line with the fear patterns, the HR reductions following P showed the same slope regardless of baseline T: Estimate = .04(.03), F(1,23) = .056, p = .461, while after T HRs reduced more so for the participants with higher basal T: Estimate = -.12(.06), F(1,21) = 3.89, p = .061 (see Figure chapter 4 – appendix 4). Session 2 The model showed that baseline HR was a significant predictor: Estimate = .70(.10), F(1,51) = 43.90, p <.001, signifying that the higher the baseline HR, the higher the HR during exposure. The linear time term was a significant predictor. Mean HR during exposure reduced over time, confirming that exposure resulted in the expected within-session reduction: Estimate = -12.77(4.59), F(1,50) = 7.70, p = .008. We did not find a significant interaction between Time x Group: Estimate(linear) = 6.91(4.59), F(1,50) = 2.26, p = .139, Estimate (quadratic) = -1.82(2.36), F(1,48) = .587, p = .447. This means that the HR patterns recorded in session 2 did not differ for the two groups. The same effects were noted with baseline T in the model: Time(linear): Estimate = -13.92(4.66), F(1,46) = 8.87, p = .005; Time x Group Estimate(linear) = 8.11(4.66), F(1,47) = 3.01, p = .089, Estimate(quadratic) = 1.49(2.38), F(1,45) = .386, p = .537. Unlike subjective fear, the psychophysiological HR indices per group were independent of baseline testosterone: Time(linear) x Group x Baseline-T, Estimate =.10(.31), F(1,45) = .10, p = .759.