Moniek Hutschemaekers

86 Chapter 4 Chapter 4 – appendix 3 0 25 50 75 start 2 4 6 8 end Time in minutes Subjective fear (in subjective units of distress - SUD) Treatment group placebo Testosterone A. Session 1 (enhanced session) 0 25 50 75 start 2 4 6 8 end Time in minutes Subjective fear (in subjective units of distress - SUD) Treatment group placebo Testosterone B. Session 2 (unenhanced transfer session) Treatment group Placebo Testosterone Figure. SUDs over time as a function of group. The left panel (A) depicts the scores recorded for the enhanced session and the right panel (B) the scores for the second, unenhanced session. In the first session SUDs have a similar pattern over time in both groups. In the second session SUDs show a more reactive pattern with a steeper decline towards the end for the participants in the testosterone group. Plots are based on the modeled data, including fixed and random effects. SUD = subjective units of distress.