Moniek Hutschemaekers

87 The enhancing effects of testosterone in exposure treatment for social anxiety disorder Chapter 4 – appendix 4 Placebo Testosterone 6-end 4-6 2-4 0-2 6-end 4-6 2-4 0-2 96 99 102 Time in minutes Mean Heart Rate Baseline Testosterone Low Medium High Session 1 (enhanced session) Figure This plot shows the mean heart rates (HRs) during the first exposure session, with placebo [left panel] and with testosterone [right panel]). Mean HRs are displayed over time as a function of baseline testosterone. In order to visualize the interaction effect between baseline Testosterone and Time we divided baseline testosterone in low (-1 SD), medium (mean) and high (+1SD) values. The plot illustrates the finding that high baseline testosterone is associated with a steeper decrease in HR during the testosterone-enhanced exposure. There is no correlation between start HR and baseline testosterone levels for either group (rplacebo = -.14, p = .507 ; rtestosterone = .04 , p = .851). 4