Moniek Hutschemaekers

95 Social Avoidance and Testosterone Enhanced Exposure Efficacy in Women with Social Anxiety Disorder 160 experimental trials. The AAT was performed at baseline and at post-assessment (30 minutes post the second exposure session). Before calculating mean reaction times for each picture type (happy, angry, neutral and control) and movement (push, pull), we removed all incorrect trials (on average 2%) and outliers (fastest and slowest 1%). We computed a combined AAT effect score from these RTs in which mean RTs for pulling were subtracted from pushing RTs (all facial combined) corrected for the control stimuli ([Push RTs – Pull RTs of all facial expressions combined]/3 – [checkerboards Push – checkerboards Pull]), resulting in a score that reflects the direction of the response tendency. For this AAT effect score negative values indicate stronger avoidance then approach (see also see Chapter 5 – Appendix 1). Saliva samples To assess endogenous testosterone levels, saliva samples were collected (2 ml passive drool saliva by Salicap; Hamburg, Germany) at eight time points: (1) at baseline, (2) prior to T/P intake, (3) prior to exposure session 1, (4) immediately after speech delivery in session 1, (5) 30 min after speech delivery in session 1, (6) prior to exposure session 2, (7) immediately after speech delivery in session 2, and (8) 30 min after speech delivery in session 2.). These timepoints were similar for all participants to control for fluctuations of testosterone levels during the day, see also procedure section. For the current study only the first three samples were relevant. Sample 1 (at baseline) and sample 2 (prior to drug intake) were used to assess endogenous baseline testosterone levels and sample 3 (prior to exposure session 1) was assessed as a manipulation check. Samples were stored at -20 °C until radio immune assays were performed by Dr. Kirschbaum’s laboratory (Dresden, Germany), for descriptions of methodology, see Miller, Plessow, Kirschbaum, and Stalder (2013), Reardon, Herzhoff, and Tackett (2016). Procedure Participants first completed the baseline assessment (between 9 and 11 AM), including questionnaires, saliva collection and the pre-exposure AAT. The first exposure session was scheduled within the week of the baseline session. Participants began this session by taking a pregnancy test, followed by saliva collection, psychoeducation, a baseline SUDS rating, and administration of study drug commensurate with group assignment (always between 9 and 11 AM). Participants returned 4 hours later for a salivary sample and the first exposure session. SUDs were collected during exposure and AEs were assessed at the end of the session. The second exposure session took place one week later (at the same time of the day as the first exposure session) and was, apart from the study medication administration, identical to the first exposure session. Participants 5