Liesbeth Kool

102 | Chapter 5 RESULTS In the results, we show the background characteristics of the respondents (survey study) and the participants (interview study). In Table 2, the quantitative findings from the survey related to the rate of midwives with intentions to leave and which reasons they had for consideration to leave are shown. Next, the qualitative findings from the analyses of the open-ended questions of the survey and of the interviews with community midwives are described and presented in figure 3. Finally, the outcomes of the narrative analyses are shown. Background characteristics of survey respondents and interview participants In part 1, a total of 1,078 surveys were completed. We had to exclude 183 surveys because they had multiple missing variables.16 We also excluded 169 hospital-based midwives. Our final sample consisted of 726 respondents. In part two, we performed 20 in-depth interviews with midwives across the Netherlands. We had to exclude three interviews because the midwives had worked exclusively in hospital-based care. In Table 1, the background characteristics for both the respondents (in part 1) and the participants (in part 2) are presented. In the text below, the word ‘respondent’ refers to midwives who completed the survey, the word ‘participant’ refers to the midwives who were interviewed. Most midwives (61.2%) who responded to the survey were younger than 40 years of age, were parents/guardians with their children living at home (56.9%), were married, or lived together with their partner (83.7%) (Table 1). Of the interview participants, 35.5% were younger than 40 years of age. Most of them were parents/guardians (76.5%) and were living with a partner (82.4%). Regarding workplace characteristics, most midwives worked as community midwives (respondents: 98.1%; participants 82.4%), were owners of a midwifery care practice (respondents: 64.2%; participants: 41.2%), had more than 10 years of experience in midwifery care (respondents: 53.9%; participants: 64.7%) and had an urban-based practice (respondents: 42.6%; participants: 35.3%). Compared to the population of midwives in the Netherlands, our sample respondents had a similar age distribution and similar figures in employment status (self-employed and locum midwives).1