Liesbeth Kool

110 | Chapter 5 I was part of the workgroup on waters breaking without labour starting and was thinking, but wait, we are talking about primary care and why is maternity care here and why is the paediatrician here? Why are we even creating these multidisciplinary guidelines? ... I don’t like this, because then you end up with compromises in your own work, created by someone who doesn’t even do this work. (P11) Participants perceived their payment as unfair over the years as due to a lack of acknowledgement of their years of experience in terms of financial rewards. .. and then there are these young girls who have a very decent income and I found that really unfair at one point. (P06) Employment status was perceived as another issue leading to dissatisfaction with the job. Some participants did not opt for the self-employed status as new midwife but found that they had to when they wanted to work in community care. Working as a locum was more challenging than they had expected. Financial matters, temporary work, and dependence on their colleagues for getting more shifts as a locum were perceived as tough and dissatisfying. Lack of developmental resources A lack of development resources – such as career opportunities and available learning opportunities – was stated by community midwives as a reason for leaving the job. Some midwives indicated that they had to leave the profession if they wanted to gain further professional development. And somewhere there’s still this dream of mine and then I think, the experience I am gaining now, the worldwide systems and structures, if I could bring some of that back to midwifery, that’s what I would really like... (P17) Lack of personal resources Participants indicated that their own personal characteristics were also a reason for leaving the job. They perceived a lack of flexibility and feelings of insecurity as a hindrance in terms of providing care for women. One participant described that she considered herself as unable to cope with the changes in the organisation of midwifery care. Other participants mentioned their own uncertainty and doubts about making decisions in their work. This day-to-day feeling of uncertainty ultimately led to them to becoming unhappy in their jobs.